Patch Management

All security updates and patches are applied to devices and installed software regularly.

Malware Protection

A robust anti-malware solution is applied to prevent servers and end-user devices from being infected with malicious software.

User Access Control

Access to our organisation’s data is controlled through correctly assigned user accounts and administration privileges are tightly controlled.

Secure Configuration

Devices and software are configured securely to prevent them from being compromised by a malicious user or malware.

Firewall Security

Firewall securely configured and be reviewed regularly.

Broker Submits application on Magenta

Policy Fulfilment

Premium Collection

Mid-term Adjustments

Renewal Invitations

Part of the Cavere Group

Cavere Head Office
2 Horizon Court
Audax Close
Clifton Moor
YO30 4RB

Registered Office (SAIL Address)
Andrew Jackson Company Secretaries Ltd
Foss Islands House
Foss Islands Road
YO31 7UJ

+44(0) 1904 476091